Kidney stones are extremely painful. If you’ve ever experienced one, you probably never want to again. The good news is that there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of developing a kidney stone. Here are some tips on how to prevent kidney stones.

How to Prevent Kidney Stones

  1. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of fluids is one of the most effective ways to prevent kidney stones. The recommended amount is 8-10 glasses of water a day. Staying hydrated dilutes urine, which makes it difficult for stones to form. It also helps flush out substances that contribute to kidney stone formation.
  2. Reduce Your Salt Intake: Too much sodium can raise calcium in your urine, which increases the risk of kidney stones. This is due to how the kidney handles salt and calcium. To prevent kidney stones, it’s important to choose fresh, whole foods and limit heavily processed or packaged foods.
  3. Watch Calcium: Avoiding kidney stones requires balancing just the right amount of calcium. Calcium helps keep your bones, muscles, and nerves healthy and strong. However, consuming too much calcium can contribute to the development of kidney stones. If you have a high risk of developing kidney stones, talk to a doctor about how much calcium is right for you.
  4. Avoid Oxalate-Rich Foods: People prone to calcium oxalate kidney stones should avoid eating foods high in oxalate. These foods include spinach, beets, nuts, many types of berries, wheat bran, tea, rhubarb, and chocolate. When these foods combine with calcium, they can turn into kidney stones.
  5. Eat a Well-Balanced Diet: Eating a well-balanced diet with a wide variety of healthy foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, can help reduce the risk of kidney stones.
  6. Reduce Animal Protein in Your Diet: Animal proteins, especially red meat and shellfish, can increase uric acid levels in the blood. This increases the risk of developing uric acid kidney stones. If you are prone to this type of kidney stone, talk to a doctor about meeting your protein needs while avoiding stone formation.
  7. Increase Your Citrus Intake: Citrus fruits like lemons and oranges contain a natural substance called citrate, which can prevent crystal formation in the urine, preventing kidney stones from forming. Starting the day with a glass of lemon water or incorporating citrus fruits like oranges into your diet may help prevent kidney stones.
  8. Avoid Drinks with Sugar: Sodas or sweetened drinks like juice can increase your risk of developing kidney stones. If you are prone to kidney stones, water is always your best option for hydration.
  9. Get Regular Physical Activity: Being sedentary can increase your risk of developing kidney stones. Moderate exercise for 30 minutes, 3-4 times a week, can help. It can help you maintain a healthy weight and support your kidneys.

Talk to A Doctor About How to Prevent Kidney Stones

If you have had kidney stones or are worried about getting them, a urologist can help. They can assess your risk and suggest ideas on how to prevent kidney stones specific to your needs.

Don’t continue to worry about kidney stones – call (541) 334-3350 to schedule an appointment today!